SaaS Marketing Strategies ft 2BTech


Do you still doubt what SaaS is and how to create a SaaS marketing strategy? You have come to the right place! We’ll tell you everything you need to know about SaaS and how to develop SaaS Marketing strategies.

In recent years, a phenomenon called SaaS has emerged in software. SaaS solutions continue to offer a viable software option for many businesses compared to traditional models.

What is SaaS?

SaaS is a type of software that allows the user to access data from any device with an Internet connection and web browser instead of installing it locally.

With SaaS models, companies do not need to manage applications or invest in hardware to run their applications.

Instead, the provider hosts and manages the infrastructure to support software, allowing updates and patches to be applied automatically and universally, reducing the burden on the business.

In addition to allowing remote web access to software applications and data, this service also differs from traditional software in its pricing model.

Difference Between Traditional Software and SaaS

Traditional software is typically purchased through a perpetual license, which means that purchasers own a claim to the software.

However, SaaS allows buyers to pay an annual or monthly subscription fee, which usually includes the software license and support. A much more flexible and scalable model.

Challenges of SaaS Marketing

A SaaS business model implies many advantages for the company and the client.

Probably the biggest challenge is knowing how to manage the characteristics of the model itself, focusing on the following aspects:

  • Add clients continuously and quickly: The objective is to obtain the most significant volume of profitable clients for the business model.
  • Prioritize long-term customers; these are the ones that are going to give the most considerable boost to the business.
  • Increase customer lifetime value (LTV) tied to long-term customers.

To overcome these challenges, there is no other option but to work on different Marketing strategies for SaaS business models.

Below we offer you a professional list of SaaS marketing strategies that will help you give that boost to your SaaS business model.

Marketing Strategies for SaaS

Because of their attributes and characteristics, SaaS business models enable the following effective marketing methods to be used:

Content Marketing

Content is King! Surely you have already heard this, and it is a great truth.One of the most effective SaaS marketing strategies for lead creation is content marketing.Start talking more through Content about problems closely related to your product and the pain your product solves. In this way, you attract the right audience.

Demand Generation Content

  • Infographics
  • Free trials
  • Free consultations
  • White papers / Ebooks
  • Webinars
  • Case studies
  • Videos
  • Surveys
  • Buyer’s guides
  • ROI Calculators

Offer Referral Bonuses

Consider offering referral bonuses when your subscribers help you get another organisation to join as a paid member.

A referral bonus is another excellent SaaS marketing strategy that is simple to implement and doesn’t cost a company too much of its budget.

Whether your product is a platform for churches or helping boutique hotels rent rooms, chances are your subscriber is talking to someone else in their industry.

A small referral bonus is nothing compared to the word-of-mouth marketing value you get, plus it ensures that satisfied customers go out of their way to tell others about your service.

Affiliate Marketing

You can expand your sales by creating an affiliate marketing program.

You can partner with small-scale influencers such as lawyers, accountants, web developers, designers, and different types of people that influence your target customer.

In affiliate marketing, an influencer or blogger gets compensated for each consumer that pays via a coded referral link.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is effective in SaaS marketing. Email marketing for Software as a Service (SaaS) is about delivering more product information to clients.

Email also functions as a communication medium. These emails should be brief, engaging, and informative.

Email Framework

  • Welcome Email
  • Training
  • Case Study
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Offer to Help
  • Make an Offer
  • Celebrate a Success

YouTube Marketing

YouTube is an excellent platform for content marketing. The competitiveness in SaaS marketing is high.

Optimise your video blogs on YouTube with proper SEO and thumbnails if you are concerned about not appearing in Google searches.

Post video material on the challenges that your target market is experiencing and how your product solves these problems with a demo. It makes your content more engaging.

LinkedIn Ads

One of the most successful ways to generate demo requests and free trials is through Facebook advertisements. LinkedIn is top on the list of B2B. That’s because getting a qualified person is the key to effective advertising.

Tips for LinkedIn Ads

  • Instead of directing users to your website, use the native lead-generation forms.
  • Focus on marketing your offer rather than your product.

As you can see, if you need to adopt SaaS Marketing strategies, you must effectively address customer knowledge, segmentation and profiling, marketing automation, and analytics. All to make clients loyal to your brand and product. Contact 2BTech if you don’t know how to approach this project or need an expert to advise you.

